Our Lists looked something like this:
Space Wolves 1250 points
Wolf Guard Battle Leader
-Combi-Melta, Power Fist
Rune Priest
-Murderous Hurricane, Living Lightning, Chooser
Wolf Guard x3
-x3 Combi-Melta's, x3 Power Fists, Pod
Wolf Guard x3
-Combi-Melta x3, Pod
Grey Hunter's x7
Power Weapon, Melta Gun, Banner, Pod
Grey Hunter's x7
Power Weapon, Melta Gun, Banner, Pod
Grey Hunter's x7
Power Weapon, Melta Gun, Banner, Pod
Grey Hunter's x7
Power Weapon, Melta Gun, Banner, Pod
Grey Hunter's x7
Power Weapon, Melta Gun, Banner, Pod
Daemons 1250 Points
The Mask
Fiends of Slaanesh x6
-Unholy Might
Blood Letters x10
Daemonettes x10
-Transfixing Gaze
Daemonettes x10
-Transfixing Gaze
Soul Grinder
Soul Grinder
We had a little bag of dirty tricks in our heads going into this, the only one we used was the Drop Pod wall. First Turn, I would drop 4 Pods with both HQ's and 32 Grey Hunters, While My mate, if he got his preferred wave, would come in with The Demonettes, Blood Letters, and Skull Taker. We used our re-roll tickets to make sure it did. We also used them to guarantee direct hits.
First round we played a team of Nids with Deathwing allies. Their list (from memory)
Hive Tyrant
-2 Guard
Hive Tyrant
-2 Guard
Zoanthropes x3
- Pod
Genestealers x8
-Brood Lord
Genestealers x8
-Brood Lord
Termiguants x15
Death Wing
-Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer
Terminators x5
-x5 TH/SS
Terminators x5
-x5 TH/SS
Terminators x5
-x5 TH/SS
Terminators x5
-x5 TH/SS
Deployment- Kill Points, Normal Set-up
All the Terminators were held in reserve, the nids set up in a line with the Stealers outflanking.

Turn 1
We won the Dice off, so we let them go first. Our turn one, the sky's rain metal hail as the drop pods come crashing down forming a defensive line in preparation for the Nids assault. The Daemon pets of the Space Wolves materialize in behind the pods.

Turn 2
As our opponents had little to no shooting, they moved up almost into charge range. Both of his Genestealer squads come in. One on the left and one on the right. His Tyrant Guard blew up 2 Drop Pods. I had another 2 Pods come in, and both my Mate's Soul Grinders come in. Skull taker moves up into position behind my Grey Hunters. The Daemonettes move to the left flank to protect against the out flanking Stealers. All of my Grey Hunters rapid fire into a squad of Terminators that are getting a little to close to my line of Pods, and murder every last one.

Turn 3
The enemy gets uncomfortably close, and shakes a few of my Pods. A squad of Grey Hunters get's charged by a squad of terminators, and the Grey Hunters are wipped out. My Wolf Guard come in and blast 3 Melta Guns into a Trygon, and amazingly all hit and wound. The Rest of the Daemons come in. Skull taker moves up for the charge against a Trygon. My Grey Hunters run the train on those Terminators that hit my lines, and rapid fire them to death. All of my Pods shoot into the injured Trygon and manage to kill it. The Daemonettes charge into the Stealers, and wipe them. Skull taker does what he does and murders that other Trygon in one fell swoop of his Sword.

Turn 4
The Nids finally get there Zoanthropes to come in, and land them on the right flank of my Drop Pod wall. They manage to severely cripple a squad of Grey Hunters. The rest of their army moves in close. Skulltaker moves up to confront the Hive Tyrant. My 2 remaining squads of Grey Hunters move up to the other Hive Tyrant and put 2 wounds on it from Bolt Pistols and Melta Guns. The Soul Grinders Both move up and fire their Tongue attacks at the Zoanthropes, killing one outright. My Grey Hunters charge the Hive Tyrant, Skulltaker charges the other Tyrant, and the Zoanthropes take a charge from both Soulgrinders. Both Tyrants go down, and the two remaining Zoanthropes. After this our opponents threw in the towel.
We won the game with 40 points out of 40 points.
Unfortunately my camera died in between round 1 and 2. Apparently charging a camera is my only bane in life.
Round 2
Our opponents played a hybrid Tau Guard list.
Imperial Guard
Command squad
-4 Melta Guns
-3 Mystics
-3 Melta Guns, Chimera
-3 Melta Guns, Chimera
-3 Melta Guns, Chimera
-3 Plasma Guns
Shas 'o
-Plasma, Missile Launcher
Body Guard x2
-Plasma, Missile Launcher
Fire Warriors x12
-Shas 'ui
Fire Warriors x12
-Shas 'ui
Fire Warriors x12
-Shas 'ui
Broadsides x3
Broadsides x3
Deployment- Spearhead, 2 objectives
Our opponents castled up in an old Ruin in their table quarter. All of their infantry was dismounted and hold up in the ruin, their tanks were blocking the ruin from assault.
Turn 1
They won the Dice roll, and elected to go second. I drop 4 Pods, 3 filled with Grey Hunters and my HQ's, and another filled with my 3 Wolf Guard. Luckily they got crap rolls All of them drop next to a tank. My Teammate drops his stuff right behind my pods. I fire my Melta Guns at the 2 demolishers, Executioner, and Hammerhead. Both Demolishers explode and in a shower of sparks, kill 7 Fire Warriors. The Executioner gets Stunned, and the Hammerhead gets immobilized and has its Railgun blown off. On the whole, those re-roll tickets really coming in handy. They respond with some devastating fire from 12 Melta Guns, 6 Railguns, and a smattering of Plasma Guns. All in all, I lost a full squad of Grey Hunters and my squad of Wolf Guard. My partner remains relatively unmolested.
Turn 2
2 more pods come in, and the drop next to the broadsides. My partners entire army dropped in. My 2 Grey Hunter squads that dropped in on turn 1 moved into the ruins from the south, and got ready for the most epic multi-assault ever. Some Daemonettes came in from the North side of the ruin to support the Grey Hunters. The Executioner explodes in a massive fire ball from one of the Soul Grinders Tongue attacks. The Broadsides get pounded in a hail of bolter fire. 1 Goes down from a well placed Melta shot, and the other 2 die from the weight of saves. My Hunters charge 3 Imperial Guard squads, and 2 Fire Warrior squads, and with the help of some daemonettes, annihilate 1 squad of fire warriors, and a squad and a half of IG. The enemy strikes back, killing 2 Daemonettes and a Space Wolf. Leadership is rolled, and the enemy turns and runs only to be cut down.
Turn 3
The Guard players command squad moves up and blasts one of my squad to bits, and with the help of 3 Chimera's kills an entire Grey hunter unit. The last of the Broadsides shoot at one of my 3 remaining squads, and kill 2 Wolves. The Tau Command Squad lend their fire power and murder another 2. My partner moved to claim our objective, and I set all 3 of my squads on top oh our opponents objective. I rapid Fired all 3 squads into his last 3 Broadsides, and only managed to kill one. My partner assaulted the IG command squad and the Broadsides with Daemonettes and killed both squads.
Turn 4
The Tau command squad jumps away from their objective and manages to finish off one of my Grey Hunter squads (The one with 2 men left) despite the fact they went to ground and had a 3+ cover! We manage to finish off all of the Chimera's, and we finally dealt with that busted ass Hammerhead, and the Tau command squad got charged by 2 squads of Daemonettes.
Our opponents were tabled on turn 4, and we controlled both objectives. This gave us another full score 40/40!
Round 3
Our final opponents were playing a Space Marine Ork army.
Here is the list (from memory)
-Terminator Armor
Terminator Assault Squad x5
-3 TH/SS, 2 Lightning Claws, Pod
Tactical Squad x10
-Melta Gun, Multi-Melta, Rhino
Tactical Squad x10
-Melta Gun, Multi-Melta, Rhino
Mad Doc(He went with the terminators)
Nob Bikers x8
-Smattering of Claws and a Mad Doc
Boyz x10
Boyz x10
Burna Boyz x8 (they go in the drop pod)
Battle Wagon
-Def Rolla
Battle Wagon
-Def Rolla
Deployment- 5 Objectives, Dawn of War
We won the Dice roll, so we let them go first, they deployed nothing.
Turn 1
They rolled everything on the table and advance a full 12 inches towards our board edge. The Daemons deployed their preferred wave in the backfield, and I dropped 3 squads of Grey Hunters by them. I also dropped the Melta squad of Wolf Guard by the battle wagon filled with Ghaz and the termies. The Battle Wagon explodes!
Turn 2
They moved everything up towards our Pod line. Ghaz and his squad take revenge on the Wolf Guard who ruined their ride. We used up 3 of our remaining re-roll tickets to insure our entire army came in. The Nobs are within 6" of my Pod wall, and that made me nervous. I fired every bolter, every melta gun at those Nobs, and only killed 1. I did however put a wound on 3 others, including the chaplain who was accompanying them.
Turn 3
The nobs spread out. Th drop pod containing the Burna Boyz came in and landed next to the Blood Letters. The rest of their army moves up and is knocking on our door. The Blood Letters die in a horrible gout of flame from the burna's. The Nobs assault all 6 of my Pods in the line, and kill 4 of the 6. The Daemonettes move up to charge the Nobs, as do 3 of my Grey Hunter squads. The other two go after the Burna's. The Burna's go down to massed fire, as well as another Nob from Bolt Pistols. The charge is initiated and the Daemonettes completely obliterate the nobs, Rending 10 times! that left the Chaplain. He kills 2 Space Wolves, and then the Wolves take vengeance against the Chaplain.
Turn 4
The 2 Boyz squads get our of their transport and assault 2 Grey Hunter Squads. 20 Boyz against 14 Grey Hunters, a Battle Leader, and a Rune Priest. Needless to say the Wolves obliterated them with only losing 1 Hunter. We move onto 4 objectives and exchange fire with both squads of marines.
Turn 5
The Space Marines finally get close enough to use their bolters,and kill 7 Daemonettes. Ghaz and his squad are still hoofing it. The Soul Grinders kill both marine squads with direct hits (A little help with the re-roll tickets was necassary for this) from their Maw cannons.
The game ended on turn 5, we controlled 4 of the 5 objectives and achieved more Kill points, which gave us Max points again. 40/40
we scored a perfect 120/120, winning the tournament by a land slide. For our prizes we each got a 50$ pre-loaded card. (The rest went to charity!)
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